Manners & Etiquitte Monday...Handwritten Thank You Notes

3:00 AM

                              Who doesn't enjoy receiving a hand written note in the mail? In this day in age were everyone texts, and emails, their expression of gratitude there really is something warm about a note. I wish I could take credit for this one, but Mr. Darling is the one who I've learned to be consistent about this particular matter. This week I find myself  reminding my son and daughter to write their thank you notes that are I dare say almost 2 months over due. Since I would be working with them on the process I found it fitting to continue it over to the blog. So lets go over what makes a lovely handwritten Thank You note.
It is always correct to write a thank you, when in doubt write! People always appreciate them they are warmer and more personal then a text.

Some rules when a note is not necessary
*If you open a gift in front of the giver a sincere verbal is sufficient.
*Gifts from family members a sincere verbal thank you is fine if in person, if not a phone call is fine.

When a Thank You note is should be expected
*Wedding and Baby Shower Gifts
*Wedding Gifts
*Graduation, Promotion Gifts
*Gifts received when ill
*Sympathy Gifts
*Gifts of money
*Holiday and Birthday Gifts
*Thank you gifts

When a  large group of people give you a collective gift a card of thanks is sufficient rather then individualized notes.

What to include in your note:

Please personalize your notes and make reference to the person as well as the gift.

Be enthusiastic, but don’t gush. Avoid saying a gift is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen unless you really mean it.

Do not send form letters or cards with printed messages and just your signature; don’t use email or post a generic thank you on your web site or group email instead of a personal note.

Do promptly acknowledge the receipt of shipped gifts by sending a note right away or calling and following up with a written note in a day or two.

Do not mention that you plan to return a gift or that you are dissatisfied in any way.

Do refer to the way you will use a gift of money. Mentioning the amount is optional.

Do not use being late as an excuse not to write. Just write, better late then never.

Do you write thank you cards? Do you feel that a simple text if enough? Would love to hear from you.

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